But "view source" showed its lat/lng are encrypted.
Because dianping use gmap, it has to send clear lat/lng to google, that means the browser has to decode lat/lng, that mean the decoding code is right there in javascript. In this case, the decoding happens in jquery.jmap.min.js.
This js is also obstructed. But I was able to crack it in a short time.
It appears the javascript evaluates and generates code on the fly and then evaluate the generated code that decode lat/lng and send them to google.
Here's my decoding script.
Chinese: 点评用谷歌地图,但是给地图坐标加了密。我不知道这样做是为了什么。因为你必须在浏览器里解密,所以研究下代码,很容易就解了密。这里给出解密代码,是用python写的。
why not javascript?
"why not javascript?"
Because I use python script to do post-processing off-line, like putting latitude and longitude into database. Javascript version is not very useful, but you can translate the program to js easily.
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