So today I made a new one, this time using jw media player. JW media player is a full featured web media player. It has almost everything. Now it has a lyrics scroller;)
Below is a demo, it's a iframe of this page.
Include 4 javascript files in the html header:
jquery.js, jquery.scrollTo-1.4.2-min.js, swfobject.js, jwplrc.js
Then put these javascript code in html:
var flashvars = {
The "file" flashvar can be used to specify a media file such as mp3 or a playlist xml file.
If it's a single media file, you need to specify "lrc" flashvar to tell the player where lrc file is. (update on 1/18/10)
if it's a playlist, no "lrc" flashvar is needed. You imply that lrc and media are at
same location/directory, and lrc and media have the same filename.
"create_jwplrc" is just a wrapper function that wraps "swfobject.embedSWF". The first argument for create_jwplrc is the id of a "<div>" that will be the player, 2nd/3rd are width and height, 4th is flashvars, 5th is parameters, it can be empty {}. The 6th argument is a unique name for the player.
File download (updated 1/18/10)