
DrJava Font Size Problem

I'm helping my son learning Java. One of the first things to do when learning Java is picking an IDE. I like DrJava for its simplicity and small size. However, when I first run DrJava, its font size is way too small on my 4K monitor.

There are 2 ways to fix this - the easy way and the hard way.

The easy way first.
Click Edit:Preferences, then click "Display Options", change "Look and Feel" to the one that ends with "Plastic3DLookandFeel".  Do this on Windows only, for Mac and Linux, default "Look and Feel" is fine.
Click "Font" under "Display Options", change all fonts to double the original size:
Press "OK", then close DrJava then open it again.  Now the fonts should be big enough to read.

(The changes you make are actually saved in a configuration file .drjava in your home directory,  you can edit the file directly for changes, but it's not recommended)

Now the hard way.
For the "easy way", we just changed DrJava's default configuration preferences.  The hard way is to compile a DrJava program with these changes already made in the source code so we don't have to change preferences.

Clone the DrJava repository on github: https://github.com/DrJavaAtRice/drjava

Try to compile it first:
cd drjava/drjava
ant jar

You must have ant already installed.  If it's compiled OK, try run it:
java -jar drjava.jar
(You can just double click drjava.jar file too)

Open src/edu/rice/cs/drjava/config/OptionConstants.java for editing:
Change "Monaco-12" to "Monaco-24"; change "Monospaced-12" to "Monospaced-24";
chanage "dialog-10" to "dialog-20"; change "dialog-12" to "dialog-24".

Save the file then recompile (ant jar).  Now DrJava is "pre-configured" with big fonts.

You might say this "hard way" is pointless.  Why on earth would anyone want to do this? I agree.  But just maybe one wants to provide a "pre-configured" copy of DrJava to his students.  I just show one way to do it.  Another way is to write a .drjava configuration file upon installation.  This is way more complex. Besides, I'm using a standalone jar file, there's no installation to speak of.